The Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement for 2020-21, To Live Life to the Full: Mental health in Australia today, has been released ahead of the Church’s Social Justice Sunday, which will be celebrated on August 30 this year. Given the challenges our country and world are facing due to COVID-19, the issue of mental health is very much front and centre for many people.
The Statement challenges everyone – individuals, schools, parishes, communities, policy-makers, governments – to take an interest in the issue of mental ill-health. “Our society tends to push away or draw away from those who confront us with our frailties and limitations. This is not the way of Jesus,” writes Bishop Terry Brady, the Bishop Delegate for Social Justice.
Read the full media release, here.
In addition to the written Statement, which is now available online, an audio recording of the Statement has been created, as well as a prayer card. Other material to support the celebration of Social Justice Sunday on 30 August 2020, including liturgical resources and homily notes, are also available.
We encourage you to read (or listen to) the Statement, and to join with us in praying for those impacted by mental illness, and for those who provide much needed support and care to those impacted by mental illness.
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