Following the release of the Victorian bishop’s statement condemning family and domestic violence earlier this year, and the distribution of the resource kit to parishes, Catholic Social Services Victoria is continuing its work in this important area.
At a recent meeting the CSSV Family Violence working group confirmed its 2017 priorities. These are to keep issues of family violence at the forefront within the Catholic community, and to provide opportunities for clergy, pastoral staff, and parishioners to increase their skills in responding well to people experiencing family violence.
The first priority this year will be the development of a training package tailored specifically to people and organisations within the Catholic community. This training will be available to parishes and organisations, and will aim to both increase awareness of the causes and impact of family violence and assist participants in responding at a personal and policy level. Part of this training ‘roll out’ will be developing train-the-trainer modules. More information will be released as the training packaged is finalised and released.

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