A number of parishes and deaneries within the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne have taken up the opportunity to host a workshop addressing domestic and family violence: what is it? What supports are available?
This follows a similar workshop that was held in the Sunbury parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel last November, which was led by Sr Nicole Rotaru rsm. The workshop aims to increase understanding of domestic violence so that we are all better placed to contribute to prevention and to appropriate responses. These workshops complement the parish resource kit that was circulated two years ago, and which remains relevant to all parishes today.
The Sunbury parish forum, which also involved representatives from a number of nearby parishes and social services organisations was well received:
Dear Sr Nicole, I am writing on behalf of a parishioner who attended your workshop in Sunbury with other members of the Kilmore St Vincent De Paul Conference. Her message to you is – Your Workshop was sacred and we were standing on Sacred Ground. Don’t change the presentation – it has a huge impact the way it is presented. Several other members of the Conference have told me how inspirational and informative your presentation was.
At present, there are forums scheduled in 2019 on the following dates:
Thursday 21 March 2019, Knox Deanery, 212 Boronia Rd, Boronia, 2019, 6.30pm for 7pm-9pm.
Tuesday 30 March 2019, St Mary’s Church, Manning Road, East Malvern, 6.45pm cuppa, 7pm-9pm.
Sunday 30 June 2019, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Ringwood, 2pm-5pm.
Sr Nicole says, “I think this says something about a growing awareness of the pervasiveness of violence in our society and a wanting to be more aware of the many ways domestic violence is perpetrated. The more we understand what domestic violence is and what supports are available the more empowered we are. We often say that ‘Education is the key…’ that is no less when it comes to being able to call out domestic violence. Creating safe environments for everyone promotes a flourishing of life.”
Sr Nicole is keen to work with other parishes in the presentation of such workshops. Please don’t hesitate to email Denis Fitzgerald, Executive Director of Catholic Social Services Victoria, if you’d like to learn more about your parish or deanery hosting a workshop or call (03) 9287 5569 or 0418 136 372.
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