What is Social Services Sunday?
Sunday 18 September 2022 marks Social Services Sunday within the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. This is an opportunity to give thanks and pray for all who stand with and support those who are disadvantaged and vulnerable in our communities. It is also a moment that you can take to think about how you might be more involved in work for justice, service and peace in your own community.
With the challenges of the last few years, rising costs of living and increasing levels of social isolation, the Gospel message of love, care and welcome is as important as it has ever been. Catholic social services are an everyday, and core, way the Church across Victoria accompanies people from all walks of life, working to meet the needs of our communities and advocate for positive systemic and structural changes.
What can we do together?
This Sunday is an opportunity to pray for Catholic Social Service Victoria’s (CSSV) 40+ members, their staff and volunteers – who seek to build a more just and compassionate society. Prior to the pandemic, this included more than 7000 staff and some 17,000 volunteers who together serve more than 200,000 Victorians in need each year, and this year the number is currently likely to be far more:
Aboriginal Catholic Mission
Assisi Centre
Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project
Cabrini Outreach
CatholicCare Victoria
Catholic Women’s League Victoria and Wagga Wagga
Corpus Christi Community
Don Bosco Youth Centre and Hostel
Edmund Rice Camps Victoria
Edmund Rice Community & Refugee Service
Edmund Rice Services – Mt Atkinson
Good Samaritan Inn
Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand
House of Welcome Ballarat
Jesuit Social Services
John Pierce Centre
Joseph’s Corner
Kewn Kreestha
Keysborough Learning Centre
Links & Consolidation Network (LinCoN)
MacKillop Family Services
Mary Aitkenhead Ministries
Missionary Sisters of Service
Nazareth House – Sisters of Nazareth
Order of Malta Hospice Home Care Victoria
Pregnancy Assistance Frankston
Rosies Oblate Youth Mission
Sacred Heart Mission St Kilda
St John of God ACCORD
St Joseph’s Flexible Learning Centre
St Joseph’s Home for the Aged, Little Sisters of the Poor
St Mary’s House of Welcome
St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria
Vietnamese Catholic Family Mutual Assistance Network
VincentCare Victoria
Wellsprings for Women Inc
Suggested Prayers
Prayer 1
Loving God, you made each of us in your image and
likeness, open our eyes to recognise one another,
May your unconditional love for all inspire our hearts
and empower our action for those who are most vulnerable.
May we boldly and humbly serve our brothers and sisters,
and be steadfast in working for justice for all your people.
Keep our hearts open to the joys and the hopes of our world, and
our ears ready to hear your call to truth, justice and reconciliation.
We pray for those who serve in social services, who hear the cry of the abandoned, who dress the wounds of those mugged at the roadside and speak for the silenced.
May the seed of the Gospel germinate within us and let us continue to draw inspiration and strength from those like St Mary MacKillop whose shoulders we stand on. Amen
Prayer 2
God of healing, and hope, we pray for those working in social services, who serve the most disadvantaged and vulnerable members of the community and hear the cry of the abandoned.
Gentle our hands to embrace one another and dress the wounds of those mugged at the roadside.
We call to mind St Mary MacKillop and our other prophets, who taught ragged children,
who cared for the penniless sick and spoke for the silenced.
May the seed of the Gospel germinate within us, may it flower in thanksgiving and forgiveness,
give grain for the harvest of justice and leave seed for a sustainable world.
God of healing, God of hope, may we, who gather here, walk in Jesus’ way. Amen
Connect with CSSV
Stay up to date and keep our members and the issues they work on in your thoughts and prayers throughout the year by completing the form at the bottom of the page!
If you have a question, or an idea you would like to explore with us, or connect with our members, please be in touch:
383 Albert Street, East Melbourne, 3002
(03) 9287 5566
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