CSSV is guided by the diverse personal and professional experience of representatives from across our member organisations and the four dioceses of Victoria. These individuals make up the CSSV Council.
It comprises six council members elected by CSSV Full Members, four members nominated by the Bishops of Victoria, one member nominated by the Council of Catholic Religious Australia, and a Chair appointed by the Council in consultation with the Bishops. Each member serves a term of two years, with the possibility for re-election and a maximum term of six years.
The CSSV Council provides expertise and practical assistance in all matters of governance through dynamic council meetings in which social, political and governance issues are deliberated on. The Council also has the ability to form standing committees, working parties and special interest groups at its discretion, these currently being the Policy and Advocacy Committee, Governance and Finance Committee, Catholic Ethos and Identity Committee, Domestic Violence Working Group and Reconciliation Working Group. These committees can dig deeper into various policy, advocacy and governance issues and report to Council in each Council meeting.

Current CSSV Council members are Chair Cathy Humphrey (Former CEO, Sacred Heart Mission), Deputy Chair Jenny Glare (General Manager, Heritage and Information Service, MacKillop), John Murphy (Board Director, CatholicCare Victoria, Bishop”s Nominee, Diocese of Sandhurst), Paul Turton (Group CEO, St Vincent de Paul Society), Sr Nicole Rotaru RMS (Catholic Religious Australia Nominee), James Findlay (General Manager Finance, Good Shepherd), Deacon Mark Kelly (Bishop’s Nominee, Diocese of Sale), Agnes Sheehan (CEO, CatholicCare Victoria, Archbishop’s Nominee), Mark Monahan (Director, Edmund Rice Community Services), Felicity Rorke (Executive Director, Good Samaritan Inn), and Jacinta Wainwright (Senior Manager Justice Programs, CatholicCare Victoria, Bishop’s Nominee, Diocese of Ballarat).
Some of the Council’s key responsibilities include maintaining close relations with the Bishops, oversight of the overall functions of CSSV, approval of strategic plans, approving the annual budget, and providing general direction for the Executive Director.
“My role is to make sure that everyone’s contributing and doing what we need to do to make sure CSSV can operate and function. And I’ll also help the Council in setting the strategy, to put forward some of the parameters and ideas to engage the Council and its members.”
Cathy Humphrey, Council Chair
This year, the Council is devising and developing a new strategic plan to shape CSSV’s work and operations over the coming years. The strategic planning process involves engaging member organisations and other stakeholders and considering the social, political and economic landscape of Victoria to identify priorities in line with CSSV’s core mission to stand in solidarity with and serve the poor, disadvantaged and marginalised; and work for a just, equitable and compassionate society.

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