In the lead up to the 2022 Victorian Election to be held in November, Catholic Social Services Victoria is hosting Regional Matters – a series of forums to focus on, and increase community awareness of, the strengths and challenges across regional Victoria. These forums will include a panel of government and local leaders who will discuss important concerns and respond to questions raised.
The first of these forums will be held in Bairnsdale, an area that has experienced a number of recent compounding crises (drought, fires, floods, pandemic) in addition to general regional challenges.
We invite community members to attend and be a part of this discussion with decision makers across politics and social services.
The Hon. Tim Bull MP, Member for Gippsland East
Mr Tom McIntosh MLC, Member for the Eastern Victoria region
Further speakers to be announced.
You can register for this free event here.
Date: Thursday, 29 September 2022
Time: 5pm – light refreshments, event from 5.30pm-7.00pm
Location: St Mary’s Parish Centre, 23 Pyke Street, Bairnsdale VIC 3875 (enter from McDonald’s carpark, Nicholson Street)
Do you have a pressing concern that you would like the panel to discuss? We invite you to provide a question or topic for consideration by the panel through the online registration process.
Download the flyer here.

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