Our mission is to assist the Catholic Church in Victoria to fulfil the gospel imperatives to:
Stand in solidarity with and serve the poor, disadvantaged and marginalised; and work for a just, equitable and compassionate society.
Catholic Social Services Victoria (CSSV) is the peak body for Catholic social services across the state. Underpinned by Catholic social teaching, CSSV works with its 40+ member organisations to assist the bishops and broader Catholic community across Victoria, to fulfil the gospel imperatives to stand with and serve the poor, disadvantaged and marginalised.

“If someone helps an elderly person cross a river, that is a fine act of charity. The politician, on the other hand, builds a bridge, and that too is an act of charity. While one person can help another by providing something to eat, the politician creates a job for that other person, and thus practices a lofty form of charity that ennobles his or her political activity.”
Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti, #186
Latest Updates

Celebrating our common mission at the CSSV Christmas gathering
The CSSV community gathered for an end-of-year Christmas event on Friday 6 December 2024, offering an opportunity to come together and to reflect on and celebrate the year that has been.

Remembering the victims and survivors of family and domestic violence
Alison Robinson. Nerol Doble. Bonnie-Lee Anderson. Keira Marshall. Alana Martin. These are just some of the known women killed in 2024 due to family and domestic-related violence. They were part of a list of known victims, and unnamed victims, from across Australia, who were remembered at the recent Holding the Light ecumenical service at Wesley Church in Melbourne’s CBD.

Supporting young people in care to be their best – MacKillop residential care staff recognised in Victorian Awards
MacKillop Family Services staff were commended for going above and beyond to support vulnerable children, young people and families at Resi ROCKS, an annual event that brings together residential care workers from across Victoria.

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