Catholic Social Services Victoria (CSSV) releases a range of publications, particularly reports that provide information pertaining to the sector.
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Migration Amendment Bills a concern for justice and human dignity
CSSV, along with a number of our member organisations and our colleagues at the Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA) and the Refugee Council are deeply concerned about the implications of the Migration Amendment Bills passed recently by the Senate.
Youth justice backflip won’t protect kids or communities
The Victorian Government’s reversal of its commitment to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14 by 2027 is a deeply troubling culmination of harmful rhetoric and disregard for evidence.
Inquiry into Capturing Data on Family Violence Perpetrators in Victoria – CSSV Submission 2024
CSSV is pleased to make a submission to the Inquiry into capturing data on family violence perpetrators in Victoria. The work of this inquiry is an important step in shifting the narrative from victims, to the people that use violence and the conditions that allow for violence to continue.
CSSV Annual Report 2023
The 2023 Annual Report provides an overview of the work carried out by CSSV throughout the year.
Faith, Hope and Love: Mapping and contextualising the contributions of Victoria’s Catholic social service sector
This report maps the work of Catholic social services and how they contribute to communities across Victoria and beyond.
National conference wraps up with emphasis on collaboration and social justice
Catholic Social Services recently concluded its National Conference on February 23, after three days of insightful dialogue. A standout event was the MacKillop Oration, delivered by Claire Victory at the conference dinner. Her speech emphasised the importance of collaboration and inclusion in striving for social justice within today’s societal framework.
Collaborative strengths among major church holders
More than 200 participants from various social, health, education, parish, and Church ministries are registered to attend this week’s national Catholic social services conference – Commons Commonality Common Good – in Melbourne, from 21-23 February.
Imagining our place within a broader mission
With only two weeks to go until the start of the national Catholic social services conference – Commons Commonality Common Good – representatives from the vast array of ministries within the Catholic church and all people of goodwill are encouraged to attend.
Invitation for media to attend national Catholic social services conference
Catholic Social Services Australia and Catholic Social Services Victoria warmly invite media members to attend the upcoming national Catholic Social Services Conference, a key event scheduled for February 21-23 at the Catholic Leadership Centre in Melbourne.
Treaty in Victoria
CSSV remains committed to building a better future for our First Nations people. We believe that a better future for all Australians is contingent on this work being done. CSSV recognises that negotiating a successful Treaty in Victoria is one element in a much broader reckoning and process, and so we remain committed to this alongside Truth Telling and a Voice to Parliament as positive ways forward.
Tax cuts for the rich and tax hikes for the poor: this is not good policy
Considering equality in Australia’s future: A briefing paper written for CSSV that outlines the impacts of current and upcoming tax reforms and unequal impacts on low paid workers, who are now worse off by a considerable percentage of income, and how middle-high income earners are slated to be thousands of dollars better off.
‘We are only as strong as our weakest links,’ Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen OFM Conv
‘It is in the interest of our health and our future to ensure that everyone’s wellbeing is safeguarded,’ according to Catholic Bishop of Parramatta, Vincent Long OFM Conv. ‘It is also in the interest of a better society and a better world that the human and social infrastructure of the “care economy” be prioritised more than profit and success.’ Bishop Long has expressed these words in the lead up to the 2024 national Catholic Social Services Conference in Melbourne.
Catholic social services national conference: fostering unity for the common good
Catholic Social Services Australia and Catholic Social Services Victoria are delighted to announce the upcoming national conference, a key event scheduled to take place from 21-23 February in Melbourne. Under the theme “Commons, Commonality, Common Good,” this event aims to bring together social services experts, inspire conversations, unity, and positive action for the common good.
Evaluation report Shining A Light on domestic and family violence
Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, the Hon. Vicki Ward MP and Bishop Greg Bennet of the Diocese of Sale have co-launched the report, Shining A Light: A Collaborative project working to build capacity for a whole-of-Church response to domestic and family violence in Warragul on 17 November 2023.
CSSV will continue to relentlessly pursue reconciliation
CSSV acknowledges that the Victorian and Australian voting population has confirmed its decision not to enshrine an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Voice to Parliament in the Constitution. CSSV also acknowledges the need to continue to relentlessly pursue reconciliation.
Houses as Homes: Immediate responses to the housing crisis
Following on from Homelessness Week 2023, CSSV has released a discussion paper that focuses on some key recommendations to address immediate housing needs.
Catholic Social Services Victoria: Annual Report 2022
The Catholic Social Services 2022-23 Annual Report provides an overview of the recent work of CSSV and highlights the key areas of concern during 2022-23.
In recognition of the period of significant fiscal challenge in which the 2023/24 Victorian State Budget is set, Catholic Social Services Victoria offers this Submission as input to the Victorian State Budget.
Yoorrook Justice Commission CSSV Submission 2023
CSSV sees great value in the work of the Yoorrook Justice Commission and is grateful for the opportunity to make this submission to assist the Commission in its works to shine a light on systemic injustice in the youth justice system and their causes, alongside examples of good practice that could be adopted or expanded to address systemic injustice here in Victoria, with the hope that these make definite movements towards justice and reconciliation.
Relentlessly Pursuing Reconciliation
Catholic Social Services Victoria (CSSV) has released a statement, Relentlessly Pursuing Reconciliation, in support of a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament as articulated by the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
CSSV backs enshrinement of Indigenous Voice to Parliament
Catholic Social Services Victoria (CSSV) has released a statement, Relentlessly Pursuing Reconciliation, in support of a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament as articulated by the Uluru Statement from the Heart.
2022 Victorian Election Statement – Prioritising Vulnerable Victorians
CSSV calls on all members of the newly elected parliament, leaders within the public service and people of good will to commit to: deep thinking and listening; cooperatively resourcing projects and programs that enhance community strengths; and to addressing the drivers of inequality in order to create opportunities for thriving communities.
Housing affordability and homelessness, key issues for Bendigo locals
Housing affordability and availability, homelessness, inability to access adequate social services, and the impact of domestic and family violence are some of the issues impacting those living and working in Bendigo and surrounding areas. In a recent public forum hosted by CSSV in Bendigo, more than 30 locals attended to hear from members of parliament and experts working in social services, to discuss what’s important to them leading up to the Victorian state election.
Housing and homelessness, key issues for Gippsland locals
Shortage of housing, increased homelessness and associated needs, floods, fires, the COVID pandemic, and inflation are all compounding what is already a difficult time for many who live in the Gippsland region of Victoria, in the state’s east. In a recent forum hosted by Catholic Social Services Victoria (CSSV) at St Mary’s parish centre in Bairnsdale, more than 30 locals attended to hear from members of parliament and experts working in social services in the area, to discuss what’s important to them leading up to the Victorian state election on 26 November.
Whole-of-Church Response to Family and Domestic Violence
Social Justice Sunday is 28th August, which provides an opportunity for all to pause and consider the causes and structures that sit behind harm, inequality, and injustice that are present in our society and what we might all be prayerfully and practically involved in—joined with others as a community and society—to together address these issues.
CSSV Annual Report 2021
The Catholic Social Services 2021 Annual Report provides an overview of the recent work of CSSV and highlights the key areas of concern during 2021.
What does the Lord require of you? – Micah 6:8: CSSV’s Submission to the Plenary Council’s Second Assembly in July 2022
A paper prepared for consideration by Members of the Plenary Council prior to the Second Assembly. This Paper was prepared by Catholic Social Services Victoria with generous assistance from our members and supporters.
Final Report – Scarring effects of the pandemic economy
April 2022 – This is the final report produced by the Australian Catholic University (ACU) in partnership with Catholic Social Services Victoria and St Mary’s House of Welcome outlining COVID-19’s ongoing impact of jobs, insecurity and social services in Victoria.
How will the COVID – 19 crisis affect demand for social services?
This is the first report delivered to Catholic Social Services Victoria and St Mary’s House of Welcome for a project conducted through Australian Catholic University’s (ACU) Stakeholder Engaged Scholarship Unit (SESU). The name of the project, and this Interim Report, also provides our guiding research question: ‘How will the COVID-19 crisis affect demand for social services?’
Stop Kicking the Kids Down the Road
CSSV was disappointed with the communique from the November Meeting of the Australian States and Territories’ Attorneys-General (MAG) in relation to the serious issue of young children in custody. With experts unified across the board, it is time for national leadership and to heed the call to raise the age of criminal responsibility to 14. Our kids are worth a second chance.
Church on the margins, our core mission
Those who were already vulnerable and marginalised, are more so now, due to the compounding impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Catholic Social Services Victoria and its members remain deeply committed to serving those who are most vulnerable and marginalised, and to calling out the political and social structures that entrench disadvantage.
CSSV Open Letter to the Plenary Council Members
With the first assembly of the Plenary Council soon upon us, the Council of Catholic Social Services Victoria (CSSV) has written an open letter to members of the Plenary Council.
CSSV’s contribution to National Plan addressing violence against women
CSSV has made a submission to the ‘National Plan’ to reduce violence against women and their children. In the submission, CSSV calls for 11 recommendations including the establishment of mechanisms that allow for resourcing and collaboration with faith leaders and faith communities, alongside experts and services, top prevent and respond to violence against women.
CSSV stands in solidarity with our Afghan communities across Victoria
Catholic Social Services Victoria (CSSV) stands in solidarity with the people of Afghanistan at this time, with particular thought for those in Victoria on temporary protection and bridging visas. CSSV’s members, and a number of parish communities across the state, provide practical and pastoral assistance to people living in Victoria who are originally from Afghanistan.
The DSP: A Platform for Participation?
CSSV has written a submission to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee Inquiry into the purpose, intent and adequacy of the Disability Support Pension. Our submission is derived largely from consultation with a number of our Victorian member organisations who are engaged in focused care, support, provision of accommodation and advocacy for people with a disability.
Maintaining holistic appreciation of social issues key to Victorian budget
CSSV welcomes the focus of the 2021/22 Victorian Budget, ‘Creating Jobs, Caring for Victorians’. The sentiment, as stated by Minister for Regional Development, Mary-Anne Thomas, in her address at the budget lock up, that ‘Good, secure and meaningful jobs must be at the heart of our recovery’ is a solid foundation.
CSSV on Victorian State Budget 2021-22
In light of, and in response to, the disruptive and tragic outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic, Catholic Social Services Victoria offers this Budget Priorities Discussion Paper and recommendations as input to the 2021/22 Victorian Budget process.
CSSV Annual Report 2020
The Catholic Social Services 2020 Annual Report contains the latest information about what we do, and how we do it. It includes a range of photos that feature representatives from our member organisations as well as the Financial Report.
Failure to raise the rate could entrench disadvantage
Catholic Social Services Australia’s report, Strong Economy, Stronger Australia, argues that a post-pandemic economic recovery cannot proceed by withdrawing support from people in an environment of high unemployment and under-employment, job insecurity and slow wage growth.
Prisoner-caregiving Programs: Supporting Older Prisoners
This new report provides a path forward for improving Victorian prisoner care. CSSV believes it can bring considerable benefit to a group that experiences double vulnerability – aged and imprisoned.
Social services and infrastructure needs in Warrnambool area
CSSV has released a report outlining the particular social service and infrastructure needs in the Warrnambool region. “Communities experiencing persistent disadvantage, need long-term and place-based solutions that address the underlying causes of disadvantage”, according to Joshua Lourensz, Executive Director of CSSV.
Report outlines gaps in services in Gippsland area
“More than ever, communities in the Gippsland area need particular assistance. For those facing significant disadvantage in the region, improving infrastructure would help to improve access to important health, welfare, education and employment services and opportunities,” said Netty Horton, CEO of CatholicCare Greater Melbourne, and Gippsland.
Public Housing Lockdown: Public Statement
During this time when nine sites across three public housing estates have been completely locked down in two Melbourne suburbs for public health reasons, it is of vital importance that each one of the 3,000+ residents is treated with respect in regards to their inherent dignity.
CSSV Annual Report 2019
Catholic Social Services Victoria’s Annual Report for 2019, including the financial statements.
CSSV Annual Report 2018
Catholic Social Services Victoria’s 2018 Annual Report including the financial reports for the 2018 calendar year.
CSSV Annual Report 2017
Catholic Social Services Victoria’s 2017 Annual Report and financial statements for the calendar year.
CSSV Annual Report 2016
Catholic Social Services Victoria’s 2016 Annual Report including financial statements for 2016 calendar year.
CSSV Annual Report 2015
Catholic Social Services Victoria’s Annual Report2015 including financial statements for the calendar year.
CSSV Annual Report 2014
Catholic Social Services Victoria’s 2014 Annual Report including financial statements for calendar year.
CSSV Annual Report 2013
Catholic Social Services Victoria’s 2013 Annual report including financial statements for calendar year.
CSSV Annual Report 2012
Catholic Social Services Victoria’s 2012 Annual Report including financial statements for calendar year.
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