Throughout the national Catholic social services conference, Hearing Healing Hope, held in Melbourne between 21-23 February, a range of media articles provided coverage of the content. They are based on the themes and presentations provided at the conference.
A Flourishing Earth for a Flourishing Society: Implementing Laudato Si
An audio interview with Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr, Aboriginal elder and educator from Nauiyu (known as Daly River in the Northern Territory), discussing the Aboriginal spiritual concept of ‘daddiri’ and our need to slow down. Miriam emphasised the importance of paying attention to the natural world and in letting go.
An article summarising the presenation given by Jacqui Remond at the conference, Call for ecological conversion, Eureka Street, 22 February 2018.
An overview of the Wednesday evening forum, A Healthy Earth for a Flourishing Society, with Jacqui Remond, Miriam Rose Ungunmerr, Gavin Dufty and Dr Bronwyn Lay. Includes link to photo gallery and links to edited transcript [Eureka Street] and presentations, 21 February 2018.
Article by Dr Bronwyn Lay of Jesuit Social Services on Building ecological justice in organisations, as a precursor to her presentation at the Wednesday evening forum of the conference, A Healthy Earth for a Flourishing Society, Eureka Street, 15 February 2018
Hearing, Healing, Hope: the Challenge for the Church and Society
‘Be brave seeking justice’ – an article about Phil Glendenning’s call to pursue justice in words and deeds and to look after those left behind, The Southern Cross, .Adelaide, 20 March 2018.
Original Article on Melbourne Catholic website about Phil Glendenning’s keynote presentation at the national Catholic social services conference, Hearing Healing Hope, 22 February 2018: Healing, healing and hope: Rousing keynote opens conference.
Summary article in CathNews about Phil Glendenning’s keynote presentation at the national Catholic social services conference, Hearing Healing Hope, 22 February 2018: Church must stand up for ‘weakest and poorest’
Economics for a Flourishing Society
In this audio interview by Fatima Measham of Eureka Street’s ChatterSquare, Labour MP Clare O’Neil discusses the persistent gap between the rich and the poor, which has left many people disillusioned about how the economy and governments function, among many other things. Clare was one of the presenters in the Economics for a Flourishing Society forum.
Article about the conference forum, Economics for a Flourishing Society, with Joe Zabar of Catholic Social Services Australia; John Roskam of Institute of Public Affairs and Clare O’Neil, Member for Hotham Victoria. Includes photo gallery and links to Joe’s edited and full presentation published in Eureka Street, 26 February 2018
Responding to Abuse and Ensuring Safety of Children
Audio interview between Fatima Measham of Eureka Street and Bernie Geary, former Victorian children’s commissioner, discussing what are we still not confronting when it comes to children and young people who run into the law? How do we advocate for them in a hostile political and media environment?
An article in Eureka Street by Sheree Limbrick, Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Professional Standards Ltd, 20 February 2018: A new high water mark for child protection
Catholic Social Services bringing Healing and Hope to the World
Article summarising the key points of the conference in Melbourne Catholic News, quoting Fr Frank Brennan SJ AO, CEO of Catholic Social Services Australia, 2 March 2018.
An article by Denis Fitzgerald, Chief Executive Officer of Catholic Social Services Victoria in Eureka Street on 15 February 2018: The changing landscape of Catholic social services
Love of Neighbour: Challenges for parishes
Article about the role of Catholic parishes in providing services to those in need, and the need to strengthen collaboration between parishes and service agencies, focussing on the parishes workshop at the conference led by Dr Bob Dixon, former Director of Pastoral Research Office, with Fr Terry Kean of St Francis Xavier parish, Montmorency, and Bernadette Dennis of St Joseph’s Outreach Service in South Yarra. Includes photo gallery and link to original story in Melbourne Catholic, 27 February
Article about the conference workshop on how to support asylum seekers, which garnered the thoughts of delegates from around the country. Parishioners and representatives from Catholic service agencies from Victoria, Queensland and the Northern Territory attended the workshop and presentations given by Sr Brigid Arthur csb (Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project) and Tracey Cabrie (Centre Manager – Cabrini Asylum Seeker and Refugee Health Hub) were followed by a focused discussion, providing valuable ideas for further action.
Social Housing: Exploring Opportunities for Affordable Housing Initiatives
Video interview between Shane Healy of Melbourne Catholic News and Peter Selwood, Executive Director of CentaCare Brisbane and Chris Hall, CEO of MercyCare WA, talking about the Australian Catholic Housing Alliance, 2 March 2018.
Other Coverage
Summary article about the final day of conference, including full photo gallery and Eureka Street link to audio of former Commissioner Robert Fitzgerald’s address during the Responding to Abuse and Ensuring Safety plenary, with Maria Harries AM and Sheree Limbrick of Catholic Professional Standards Ltd, 26 February 2018
Summary article in CathNews, of Sheree Limbrick’s Eureka Street article on Catholic Professional Standards Ltd, 8 February: Professional standards chief sets out priorities
An interview with Denis Fitzgerald, Executive Director of Catholic Social Services Victoria, in The Record, 8 February: National conference seeks hearing, healing and hope
Overview article in CathNews about Denis Fitzgerald and the role of Catholic social services and the challenges faced, 2 February 2018: Catholic organisations face growing challenges
View audio, video and PDF versions of the conference presentations, here.

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