Both seasoned and emerging Catholic social services leaders need to maintain a strong sense of confidence to best engage in the creative diversity of our sector, so as to meet the challenges of keeping to core purpose in a volatile working environment.
CSSV has designed a four-part learning experience to equip seasoned and emerging leaders as well as expert practitioners with the conceptual tools and approaches they need to deliver social impact and thrive sustainably for the common good.
Mission Inspired Leadership is a Professional Development Program of four online evening workshops and a social event for leaders, board directors and expert practitioners in Catholic social services:
- Engage the Catholic social services ecosystem – to further mission collaboratively
- Connect critical decision-making to organisational purpose – with shared principles
- Explore Catholic social teaching as a creative framework – for services and advocacy
- Discover new ways of delivering social impact – sustainably with integrity
- Build connection with peers – in a social, spiritually enriching shared-learning environment.
The program will be held on the 18th August, 8th September, 27th October and 1st December (4-6pm).
Graduates of the learning program experience ongoing mutual support from CSSV and via the relationships built with peers from across the sector.
- Toby oConnor
- Toby oConnor is the CEO at St Vincent de Paul Society National Council of Australia who possesses over forty years’ experience and knowledge working in Australia’s social services and has held senior leadership roles in the not-for-profit, private and government sectors including National Director of Catholic Social Services Australia. He is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
- Belinda Clarke
- Belinda Clarke is the Executive Manager of St Joseph Affordable Homes and Centacare Evolve Housing and is a passionate leader, educator and social entrepreneur. Her key areas of expertise are strategy and driving change for the common good. Belinda is committed to collaborating to enable Catholic Social Teaching principles come to life. Belinda is the founder of Build Up Tassie, a successful employment and training program and the Social Impact Program, now adapted as a whole of organisation approach at CatholicCare.
- Brian Lawrence
- Brian Lawrence is the Chair of the Australian Cardijn Institute. He is author of Workplace Relations: A Catholic Perspective and former Chairman of the Australian Catholic Council for Employment Relations. He has worked for many years advocating for social justice and fairer conditions for workers in Australia.
- Robyn Miller
- Dr Robyn Miller is a social worker and family therapist with over thirty years’ experience in the community sector, government and child protection. She was a senior clinician and teacher for fourteen years at the Bouverie Family Therapy Centre, La Trobe University, and part of an innovative team working with families who have experienced trauma and sexual abuse. From 2006-15 Robyn provided professional leadership as the Chief Practitioner within the Department of Human Services in Victoria, and has also worked as a consultant with the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Robyn is currently the CEO of MacKillop Family Services, one of the largest providers of specialist services to vulnerable and disadvantaged children, young people and their families in Victoria, New South Wales, ACT, Western Australia and Northern Territory. Robyn sits on the Board of Catholic Social Services Australia, Australian Catholic Standards Ltd and the Association of Children’s Welfare Agencies in NSW.

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