Advocacy & Policy

The Church, through social service agencies, improves the wellbeing of the more than 200,000 people who we work with in Victoria each year. Inspired by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we focus on the dignity of each person, and work for the common good. We highlight the plight of those most in need. 

How we work

Catholic Social Services Victoria actively brings people together from across agencies and sectors through a variety of events – launches, workshops, briefings, working groups and committees. There is immense diversity in the scale and scope of the operation of CSSV’s 40+ member agencies, and this brings a richness of perspective, knowledge and insight into the issues and challenges being faced at organisational or sector levels, as well as more broadly in policy or society. CSSV has been active in providing platforms where this expertise can be shared, strengthened and disseminated.

Why do we advocate?

There are many Victorians who, over short periods or the long term, find themselves on the margins of our society, or with particular needs for assistance. It is those people we are called to help. Their voices, through the agencies that serve them, have been used to inform the social policy priority areas listed below.

The Strategic Plan reflects the aspirations and priorities for action as expressed by members and shaped by the Council. The key social issues that CSSV will prioritise focus on over 2020-2022 include the following:

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