In pursuit of our mission, Catholic Social Services Victoria seeks to embody and promote the core principles of Catholic Social Teaching:
- Dignity of the person
- Common good and community
- Preferential option for the poor
- Rights and responsibilities
Together with our members, the Victorian bishops and parish communities, we work toward a society that is just, equitable and fair for all.
The Australian Bureau of Statistics reports that there are now more than 6 million people living in Victoria with an annual growth rate of 1.8%, the fastest of any state in Australia. This growth brings prosperity but also with it comes increasing social pressures and need.
Some families struggle to keep pace and fall behind. High housing costs make accommodation insecure or even unaffordable for many. We know that there are some real pockets of entrenched and persistent disadvantage, which are characterised by high rates of unemployment, criminal convictions, disability, child maltreatment, family violence and psychiatric admissions.
Across Victoria, the Church responds in a significant way to these social needs. The members of Catholic Social Services Victoria provide enormous resources to help our communities to address the needs of those who are homeless, those suffering mental illness, those who find themselves in prison, children in need of care and any who are vulnerable because of age or disability.
The Church which “goes forth” is a community of missionary disciples who take the first step, who are involved and supportive, who bear fruit and rejoice.
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium #24
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