Walk for Justice for Refugees: Walking in Solidarity on Palm Sunday
On Sunday 2nd April, hundreds of people gathered on the steps of the State Library of Victoria for the 2023 Walk for Justice for Refugees. Held on Palm Sunday, people walked in solidarity with people seeking asylum in Australia, coming together from a wide range of communities, organisations and faith backgrounds to show their support.
Melbourne Palm Sunday Walk for Justice and Freedom for Refugees
Catholic Social Services Victoria joins our members, the sector, and others of good will inurging attendance at the upcoming Walk for Justice and Freedom for Refugees. The gathering will start at 2pm on Palm Sunday - April 10th at State Library of Victoria and then walk to the Park Hotel Swanston Street where 8 refugees were held for two years.
CAPSA calls for generous response to all refugees
The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA) joins Pope Francis, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC), and other Catholic organisations such as Caritas Australia, in not only calling for an end to the escalating violence and conflict occurring in Ukraine, but also in Afghanistan, Myanmar, Ethiopia, Syria, Iraq, Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Yemen and Venezuela.
Faith leaders stand in solidarity with asylum seekers
An ecumenical group of Christian leaders took turns to be locked in a cage outside the Park Hotel in Carlton, in Melbourne’s inner-north on Saturday to demonstrate their solidarity with around 32 refugees and asylum seekers detained there.
World Day of Migrants and Refugees
Catholics across the country are being urged to consider how they can pray for and offer practical support to neighbours around the world as the Church marks the World Day of Migrants and Refugees on Sunday 26th September.
Churches launch United for Afghanistan campaign
Australia’s major church denominations and leading Christian NGOs have come together in a mission to support Afghan refugees, launching the Christians United for Afghanistan campaign.
Victorian Bishops’ statement of concern for the Afghan community
The Bishops of Victoria have released a pastoral statement expressing their commitment to compassionate outreach for the people of Afghanistan throughout the world and here in Victoria. It follows a statement released by Executive Director of Catholic Social Services, Josh Lourensz last week.
Eight years on, bishops renew call for resettlement
Australia’s Catholic bishops have joined the bishops of Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands in calling for detainees on Manus Island and Nauru to be resettled in Australia – eight years after the advent of mandatory offshore detention.
Encouraging care for refugees
Refugee Week (20-26 June) is Australia’s peak annual activity to inform the public about refugees and celebrate positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society. World Refugee Day is marked on June 20. Andrew Hamilton SJ has written a reflection to mark this day.