
Each year, over 15,800 Victorians choose to volunteer at Catholic social service organisations alongside our workforce. They are an integral part of the sector’s impactful work, and gain the benefit of skills, knowledge and a rewarding experience along the way.  

There are plenty of ways to volunteer and get involved with Catholic social services, whether by working in the many op shops, serving meals, visiting the elderly, participating in social activities with vulnerable groups, or perhaps helping to maintain the gardens of a home or service centre. Whether it be for just 30 minutes, a few hours, once a week, or once a month, every bit helps!  

To make it easier, we’ve compiled the volunteering and ‘what you can do’ sections of our member organisations that offer these opportunities. Simply click on a link below to go to the relevant page. 

Volunteer with one of our agencies

Our member agencies are always on the look our for more volunteers. Contact us to find out where you’re best suited!

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