Presentations given at Hearing Healing Hope National Conference

The recent national Catholic social services conference, Hearing Healing Hope, from 21-23 February in Melbourne, included an array of eminent and highly qualified keynote speakers and workshop presenters. You can access their presentations (in PDF format), or listen to their presentations below. A series of media articles also address the various issues and aspects of the conference.

A Healthy Earth For a Flourishing Society: Implementing Laudato Si 

Jacqui Remond, former Director, Catholic Earthcare Australia (Video

Dr Bronwyn Lay, Jesuit Social Services  (Video

Gavin Dufty, St Vincent de Paul Society  (Video

Keynote: Hearing Healing Hope: The Challenge for the Church and Society 

Phil Glendenning AM (Video)

Economics for a Flourishing Society

Joe Zabar (PDF

Clare O’Neil MP (Audio

John Roskam

Mary MacKillop Oration, conference dinner

Geraldine Doogue

Responding to abuse and ensuring child safety 

Maria Harries AM (Audio

Robert Fitzgerald (Audio | Video

Sheree Limbrick (PDF | VIDEO

2020 Plenary Council

Lana Turvey-Collins

Catholic social services bringing healing and hope to the world 

Fr Frank Brennan SJ AO (Audio

Masterclass – Pope Francis and Human Rights: Moving justice and solidarity from the dictionary to the work place of Catholic social services 

Fr Frank Brennan SJ AO (Audio

View media articles related to the conference, here.

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