Publication Format: Report

Evaluation report Shining A Light on domestic and family violence

Front cover of report Shining a Light

Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence, the Hon. Vicki Ward MP and Bishop Greg Bennet of the Diocese of Sale have co-launched the report, Shining A Light: A Collaborative project working to build capacity for a whole-of-Church response to domestic and family violence in Warragul on 17 November 2023.

How will the COVID – 19 crisis affect demand for social services?

This is the first report delivered to
Catholic Social Services Victoria and St Mary’s House of Welcome for a project conducted through Australian Catholic University’s (ACU) Stakeholder Engaged Scholarship Unit (SESU). The name of the project, and this Interim Report, also provides our guiding research question: ‘How will the COVID-19 crisis affect demand for social services?’

Failure to raise the rate could entrench disadvantage

Front cover of report, Stronger Economy Stronger Australia

Catholic Social Services Australia’s report, Strong Economy, Stronger Australia, argues that a post-pandemic economic recovery cannot proceed by withdrawing support from people in an environment of high unemployment and under-employment, job insecurity and slow wage growth.

Social services and infrastructure needs in Warrnambool area

Warrnambool beach at sunset

CSSV has released a report outlining the particular social service and infrastructure needs in the Warrnambool region. “Communities experiencing persistent disadvantage, need long-term and place-based solutions that address the underlying causes of disadvantage”, according to Joshua Lourensz, Executive Director of CSSV.