The World Day of Migrants and Refugees is observed each year as a time to learn about, listen to, and pray for and with those who have been forced to flee their homeland. Around Australia, many refugees and other migrants who hold temporary visas live in a state of uncertainty and insecurity, unable to obtain work rights or income support. The Catholic Church together with the many Catholic social services agencies make considerable efforts to assist migrants and refugees and advocate for justice, yet, this is a drop in an ocean of need. This World Day of Migrants and Refugees, CSSV encourages all to consider what they can do to contribute to creating a welcoming and just society for all migrants and refugees, while learning about their contribution to the Catholic community in Australia. You can find actions to take further on this page.
God not only walks with his people, but also within them, in the sense that he identifies himself with men and women on their journey through history, particularly with the least, the poor and the marginalized. In this we see an extension of the mystery of the Incarnation.
Pope Francis, God walks with his people, 2024
The Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office has created online resources, including the liturgy for primary and secondary schools, homily notes, prayers of intercession, stories, and interviews to help celebrate this special day.
Events for World Day of Migrants and Refugees:
Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum (CAPSA) will hold a National Week of Prayer and Action from 16-20 September, including an online webinar on Wednesday 18th September featuring a panel of speakers who will explore what Journeying together with refugees and people seeking asylum entails. Find out more and register here.
Mass for All Nations: Migrant and Refugee Mass, St Patrick’s Cathedral – Sunday 29th September 2.00pm – 4.00pm.
Celebrate the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees with migrant communities from all over Melbourne commencing at 2.00pm with a procession and rosary in various languages, followed by Mass at 3.00pm celebrated by Archbishop Peter A Comensoli and migrant chaplains of the Archdiocese. Download the flyer here.
Migrant Youth Festival – Sunday 29th September 9.00am – 5.00pm – [Registrations Close 8 September]
The ethnic and migrant youth of Melbourne are invited to the inaugural Migrant Youth Festival, an initiative of the Migrant Catholic Chaplaincies. The festival is a unique opportunity to connect with like-minded young people while encountering Jesus and deepening your faith and relationship with God. Learn more and register here.
What can I do?
- Learn about some of the Catholic social services working to assist migrants and refugees and how you might be able to contribute to their work: Brigidine Asylum Seeker Project, CAPSA, Cabrini Outreach, CatholicCare Victoria, Jesuit Social Services and ACRATH.
- Attend an event for the World Day of Migrants and Refugees (listed above)
- Engage your parish to take action for migrants and refugees – you can find resources for parishes, including ‘what can parishes do practically?’ here.
Pope Francis’ Prayer for the 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees
God, Almighty Father,
we are your pilgrim Church
journeying towards
the Kingdom of heaven.
We live in our homeland,
but as if we were foreigners.
Every foreign place is our home,
yet every native land
is foreign to us.
Though we live on earth,
our true citizenship is in heaven.
Do not let us become possessive
of the portion of the world
you have given us as a temporary home.
Help us to keep walking,
together with our migrant
brothers and sisters,
toward the eternal dwelling
you have prepared for us.
Open our eyes and our hearts
so that every encounter with those in need
becomes an encounter with Jesus,
your Son and our Lord.
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