Prevention of Domestic Violence

Many Catholic social service organisations work to respond to the situation of victim survivors, and together we long for a country and culture where violence in the home does not happen. To make this ideal closer to reality we must be intentional and create change at a community level.

Government is funding service responses, but research shows faith communities have a significant role to play. The need to be aware of what constitutes as violence, to be able to identify and work through the factors that perpetuate such levels of violence in our communities, as well as being equipped to respond with Christian love and concern is an ongoing task for us all.” 

Together with social services and schools, parishes have a key role to play to be a part of a whole of Church approach to community awareness and prevention, and a just and compassionate response to violence in the home. COVID-19 amplified and compounded the need for attentive action.

New Brochure: Let’s build respectful communities

June 2024 sees the release of Let’s build respectful communities, a CSSV brochure for parishes across Victoria that provides information about recognising, responding to, and preventing domestic violence, as well as further resources for those seeking help. The brochure forms part of CSSV’s ongoing work within the Catholic community to build capacity for the prevention of family and domestic violence.

This arrives at a time where domestic violence is at the front of mind for many and is receiving significant media coverage and political focus. CSSV’s approach to domestic violence recognises that it does not occur in a vacuum, but exists within the context of cultural norms, rigid gender roles, understanding of masculinity, economic realities, and complex social relationships. This approach centres around building a society where the needs of victim survivors are addressed, while simultaneously working with communities and those who perpetrate violence to stop it where it begins.

Download the brochure below.

Other Resources

Resources for addressing domestic violence in Faith Communities

What works to address violence against women and family violence within faith settings.

Melbourne University: 2020 An Evidence Guide

National Anglican Family Violence Research: Top Line Results.

Anglican Church: 2021 Research Report

CSRM paper into faith-based communities’ responses to family and domestic violence.

ANU: 2020 Working Paper

Research into how faith communities can best respond to and prevent family violence and violence against women.

Melbourne University: 2019 Technical Paper

Lessons learn regarding to empowering faith and community leaders to prevent violence against women.

Intouch: 2020 Empowering Communities Initiative

Articles related to responding to domestic violence

Service Providers providing assistance to those impacted by domestic violence

Information poster about responding to domestic violence

Prayer to End Domestic and Family Violence

Loving God,

We pray that all women and children will find a place and life free from violence, and children will be cared for in nurturing, protective and supportive ways.

We pray for young men that they may find models of respectful relationships, and reject the violent and demeaning images of manhood current in our society.

We ask for the courage to confront the causes of family violence, including the prevalence of violence in society, abuse of power and the unequal position of women in the community.

We pray for right and just relations between all people, so that together we may transform and overcome violence in all its forms.

We long for the time you have promised, when violence is banished, women and men are open to love and be loved, children are protected, and the work and wealth of our world is justly shared. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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