Prevention of family and domestic violence continues to be a key strategic priority for Catholic Social Services Victoria and our Domestic Violence Working Group plays a central role in progressing work in this area. The Working Group was formed in 2015 and oversees our shared response to family violence working with the Catholic community – including resourcing clergy and parishes – to build capacity in contributions to prevention and response; to develop relevant policy positions; and to ensure effective communication between Catholic social service agencies on this work.

The Domestic Violence Working Group has taken a leading role in a number of important initiatives since its inception. These include:
- Engagement with parishes and clergy through workshop delivery
- Development of a ‘parish kit’ made available to parishes across Victoria as well as the St Vincent de Paul Society networks in 2016. The kit included ‘fast facts’, a Statement by the Bishops of Victoria, guides for a variety of people and circumstances, a prayer to end violence, and information on emergency services and referrals.
- Parish poster resources developed in 2021
- Partnering with the Catholic Diocese of Sale over a number of years, including developing and implementing the Shining A Light pilot program throughout 2021-22.
- Evaluating the Shining A Light program in the report released in 2023
- Contributing to government inquiries, including the current Inquiry into data collection on perpetrators of violence
- Facilitating relevant partnerships and collaborations between CSSV member organisations
- Contributing as a member of the planning committee for the annual Holding The Light Ecumenical Service of Lament, remembering and praying for victims of family and domestic violence
The Domestic Violence Working Group has grown over the years and now includes representatives from many of CSSV Member Organisations, and beyond. The current working group is comprised of: the Chair – Felicity Rorke (Good Samaritan Inn), Deanna Davis (CatholicCare Victoria), Susan Dornom (St Vincent de Paul Society Victoria), Melissa Halliday (ACRATH), Deacon Mark Kelly (Diocese of Sale), Brooke Kilborn (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools), Kerryn Lewis (Anglican Diocese of Melbourne), Fr Peter Matheson, Sr Nicole Rotaru RSM, Sharon Sherwood (Cabrini Outreach), Dalal Smiley (Wellsprings For Women), Matt Tyler (Jesuit Social Services) and Rachel Williams (VincentCare). Working across a range of services – including women’s refuges, crisis support, family mediation, child contact centres and education and attitudinal change programs – these members bring a wide variety of perspectives and knowledge in specialist areas. This breadth of understanding is a hugely valuable resource and provides benefits in collaboration and mutual information sharing. The working group meets six times a year.
Members of the Domestic Violence Working Group are appointed by Council and opportunities to join the Working Group arise as vacancies come up. If you would like to express interest in joining the Domestic Violence Working Group, or would like the consult the working group on a particular project or concern, please contact the CSSV office.

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