A Moment to Dream: Pope Francis’ Pathway to a Better Future, an invitation to parishes, local congregations and others interested to an Ecumenical Webinar to explore Fratelli Tutti’s vision of a world at peace.
Pax Christi Australia is hosting a webinar on Sunday 18th April, 2pm-3:30pm featuring Pope Francis’ recent encyclical Fratelli Tutti. Titled “A Moment to Dream: Pope Francis’ Pathway to a Better Future”, the gathering is an opportunity for members of parishes, and the wider community, to participate in a conversation on Fratelli Tutti’s vision of a world at peace.
The webinar will include a number of presentations:
The Vision of Fratelli Tutti by Fr Kevin Lenehan, Master, Catholic Theological College, University of Divinity
Collaboration, not Confrontation among faiths by Sr Jan Barnett rsj, Josephite Justice Network
Reflecting on Australia’s Relations in Southeast Asia by Rev. Andy Tiver, Uniting Church in Australia, Co-Chair Philippine-Australia Solidarity Association (PASA)
To register for the webinar, contact Rev. Harry Kerr: ahmkerr@hotmail.com or Rita Camilleri: camrita44@gmail.com
Further information: Caesar D’Mello, Pax Christi Victoria, tel: 0451 911 941 | Fr Claude Mostowik, Pax Christi NSW, tel: 0411 450 953
Pax Christi is an international Catholic peace network established in 1945. Over the years, in Australia and around the world, it has engaged within the Church and ecumenically with local churches, communities and groups on peace and related concerns that impact us all.
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