Service Provider Category: Housing & Homelessness

VincentCare Victoria

VincentCare provides services and programs for people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and disadvantage. They work collaboratively with men, women, families, young people and those who are ageing.

St Vincent de Paul Society

Vinnies provides support to the disadvantaged and marginalised through material and financial assistance, dependency counselling and care, education support for children, emergency recovery, family violence services, and and housing and homelessness services.

St Mary’s House of Welcome

In the spirit of the founding Daughters of Charity, St Mary’s House of Welcome provides support, solutions and hope for hundreds of chronically homeless and disadvantaged people in Melbourne.

Sacred Heart Mission

Every day of the year, Sacred Heart Mission assists hundreds of people who are experiencing homelessness or disadvantage to find shelter, food, care and support.

Rosies Oblate Youth Mission

Each Wednesday and Friday night a team of up to a dozen 18-30 year old volunteers operate a tea and coffee van offering support, friendship and hospitality through the simple gesture of a free hot or cold drink.

Jesuit Social Services

A social change organisation working to build a just society where all people can live to their full potential.

Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand

Good Shepherd tackles the significant issues impacting women, girls and families. Support services for women, parents and families, and youth.

Good Samaritan Inn

Good Samaritan Inn is a specialist service providing crisis, short-term and transitional accommodation and support for women, children and gender-diverse people who are experiencing family violence or homelessness.

CatholicCare Victoria

CatholicCare Victoria provides a broad range of child, family and youth services, family relationship services, school counselling and pastoral care services, social housing, homelessness services, employment and advocacy services across Victoria.