The Xavier Social Justice Network (XSJN) seeks to engage the Xavier College Community – Old Xaverians, current and past parents and families – in work with social service agencies to raise awareness for and progress issues of social justice.
Olympic Village Exodus Community
Olympic Village Exodus Community (Exodus) is a grassroots community organisation, established in 1998 with the purpose of working together as a community within the parish of St Pius X, Heidelberg West, advocating on behalf of those experiencing powerlessness, injustice and institutional abuse.
Saltbush Balnarring Beach
Saltbush Balnarring Beach provides restorative breaks, respite and nature-based experiences for those who need it most.
Vietnamese Catholic Family Mutual Assistance Network
ViCaFaMAN is a non-political and not-for-profit organisation in Victoria, which aims to encourage the members to support each other to achieve a peaceful and happy life in this second homeland and serve the community, in particular to the sick and elderly members at home, hospital and nursing home.
St Vincent de Paul Society
Vinnies provides support to the disadvantaged and marginalised through material and financial assistance, dependency counselling and care, education support for children, emergency recovery, family violence services, and and housing and homelessness services.
Rosies Oblate Youth Mission
Each Wednesday and Friday night a team of up to a dozen 18-30 year old volunteers operate a tea and coffee van offering support, friendship and hospitality through the simple gesture of a free hot or cold drink.
Highways and Byways
Highways and Byways supports regional and remote communities throughout Australia through its Small Grants Program and longer term social and ecological initiatives. They develop local leadership and empower communities to respond to the cultural, ecological and social challenges.
Keysborough Learning Centre
Keysborough Learning Centre provides a broad range of education programs and community support programs.
John Pierce Centre
John Pierce Centre in Prahran, Victoria, aims to empower the Catholic Deaf community to live life to the full.
JoCare is a free service supported by St Joseph’s parish in Malvern and aims to encourage friendship and support within neighbourhoods in the local area.